5 Mistakes Businesses Make on Social Media (and How to Fix Them)

Ever thought about why and how other businesses are thriving on social media while yours is not? Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Before you give up on Twitter or just leave your Facebook page behind, take a moment and read on.

Many businesses make mistakes on social media. But guess what? They’re easy to fix! Keep reading on, and you will get to know about five common social media blunders that might be the reasons for not achieving social media success and how to overcome them.

Mistake #1: Lack of Strategy

You can’t drive across a country without a map or even a destination in your mind! That’s what happens when a business lacks a social media strategy. Businesses don’t have a plan ready, or we can say a defined roadmap. Without one, their social media efforts get scattered, are not consistent, and won't work well in the end.

How to Fix It

Have a Clear Goal.

First, decide what you want to achieve with your social media. Is your goal to make more people know your brand, get new customers, or bring more visitors to your website? Clear goals will help guide your actions.

Understand Your Audience.

Who are you trying to reach on social media? It’s important to understand your target audience. Research their preferences, online behavior, and the platform they use. All these will help you to create content and strategies to connect with them.

Create a Content Plan.

Make a content calendar that outlines what and when you will post. Include a mix of content types (e.g., educational, promotional, entertaining), and make sure to stay consistent in posting. It’s better to schedule your posts.

A social media marketing agency in Lebanon can be a big help. By partnering with them, you can set clear strategies and consistently post rich content on your social media.

Mistake #2: Inconsistent Posting

Have you ever seen a business page with no comments or likes? That’s because they don’t post regularly. This is a big mistake businesses like you do. Social media platforms have their algorithm. They show people posts from active accounts more often. When you only post sometimes, there is a high chance that your content will get lost. And eventually, your audience will feel ignored.

How to Fix It

There are multiple social media platforms. Each one has a different posting frequency. So, it’s best fr to look at your target audience and the platform you use. For example, Twitter might work best with daily posts, while Instagram might do better with 2-3 posts per week.

Scheduling tools are helpful, but remember that social media is about connecting with people. So, don't just rely on automation.

Mistake #3: One-Size-Fits-All Content

Social media platforms are like different countries. Each has its customs. Businesses make mistakes by posting the same generic content on all platforms. This means that what works well for your business on Instagram might not work on Linkedin and vice versa. This can lead to disengagement and missed opportunities.

How to Fix It

To fix this, create different types of content for each platform. For example, use short videos on TikTok and colorful infographics on Pinterest. Keep up with trends and popular hashtags on each platform to help more people see your posts. Try out different content formats like pictures, text, videos, and stories to find out what works best. This will make your content more interesting and reach more people.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Audience Engagement

One mistake businesses often make on social media is not interacting with their audience. Social media is not just about posting; it's also about talking to your followers. When businesses don't respond to comments or messages, it can make people feel ignored. This lack of engagement can make your audience trust you less and might make them stop following you.

How to Fix It

Make sure to reply to comments and messages quickly. Thank people for their comments and answer any questions they have. Show that you care about what your audience thinks by asking them questions or running polls. Engage in conversations about topics that interest your audience. When you show interest in your followers, you can build stronger relationships and make them more likely to stay loyal to your brand.

Mistake #5: Selling Too Much, Not Enough Value

Your audience doesn’t want to feel they are always being sold to. They want content that offers them something valuable and meaningful. This is how they engage on social media. If your posts are only about selling, your audience may lose interest and stop following you.

How to Fix It

Always follow the 80/20 rule. This means that 80% of your content should offer value, and only 20% should be promotional. Try to share different types of valuable content, such as industry insights, behind-the-scenes looks at your business, and customer testimonials. This way, your audience gets helpful and interesting information, which makes them more likely to stay interested in your brand.

Digital agencies use the 80/20 rule to help businesses connect with their audience. If you're struggling with this, it's a good idea to get help from an expert digital agency in Lebanon who knows how to do it well.


Social media is a powerful tool for businesses, but it requires a strategic approach and consistent effort. By avoiding the common mistakes outlined above and, focusing on providing valuable content and building genuine connections with your audience, you can transform your social media presence into a lead-generation machine.

Microbits is a social media marketing agency in Lebanon that can help your business have a strong social media presence and gain success. We can assist you with all your social media marketing needs. So, if you’re looking for a social media or digital agency in Lebanon, consider us for your needs!

To learn more, visit us here.

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